22 Apr Adjustment of Status for Family petitions
By Atty. Crispin Caday Lozano
For the relatives of those who filed a petition sometime before April 30, 2001, they may be able to adjust their status if they are in the United States provided they qualified under INA Sec. 245(i). This section of the Immigration law allows aliens in the United States to adjust status if they have a petition filed on or before April 30, 2001. They need to look for their specific Family based preferences and see if they qualify to adjust status this time. Presented below are the family based preferences being processed for April 2020 for final action:
F1 Unmarried adult children of U..S. citizens Mar 1, 2010
F2A Spouse and minor children of LPR Current
F2B Adult unmarried children of LPR Feb 1, 2010
F3 Married son and daughter of US citizen May 15, 2000
F4 Brothers and sisters of US citizen May 1, 2000
The current visa processing is advantageous to those who are the married son and daughters of US citizen(F3) and those brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens (F4) because they most likely qualify under Sec. 245(i). If they are in the United States they may adjust status
If you are one of those beneficiaries currently processing you should consult with an attorney to evaluate your case.
Note: This is not a legal advice. You should consult with an attorney to evaluate your specific case. Our office provide free consultation on immigration matters.
- For the month of March 2020, we received six Adjustment of Status and three Naturalization approvals from USCIS.
- For the month of February 2020, we received approvals from USCIS of five Adjustment of Status application and three Naturalization application.
- For the month of January 2020, we received approvals from USCIS of five Adjustment of status applications, three N-400 applications for naturalization and three fiancé visa application.
- For the month of December 2019, we received four approvals of naturalization applications, five approvals of Adjustment of Status applications, two approvals of Petition to remove condition on residence, one renewal of green card approval and one green card application at the U.S. Embassy.
- For the month of November 2019, we received approvals of one naturalization application, one renewal of green card, one Petition to remove condition on residence and one adjustment of status.
- For the month of October 2019, we received five naturalization application approvals and two renewal of green card and one DACA approval.
- For the month of September 2019, we received approval of two naturalization applications, one adjustment of status and one application to remove condition on residence.
- For the month of August, 2019, we received approval from Immigration Court for a waiver of misrepresentation for a client who has committed marriage fraud. We also received approval from USCIS of two naturalization applications and two fiancé visa petition.
- For the month of July 2019, we received approvals of three N-400 application for Naturalization, one I-751 Petition to remove condition of residence with interview and two I-90 renewal of green card.
- For June 2019, we received approvals of four adjustment of status, six naturalization applications and two certificate of citizenship applications, and one Removal of condition on resident.
- On May 6, 2019, we received approvals of three adjustment of status applications and two Naturalization applications.
- On April 24, 2019, we received approval from USCIS for three naturalization applications and one adjustment of status.
- On March 29, 2019, we received an approval of adjustment of status for a client whose petitioner and primary beneficiary has died under INA 204(l)
If you have immigration problems the Law Offices of Crispin C. Lozano can help you find a solution before your problem gets worse which could lead to deportation and family separation.
Crispin Caday Lozano, Esq. is an active member of the State Bar of California, the American Immigration Lawyers Association and San Francisco Trial Lawyers. He practices immigration law, bankruptcy and personal injury law since June 1999. His contact phone is 1-877-456-9266, email: info@CCLlaw.net