There is no easy way to get out of debt. Many people are uncertain to file bankruptcy and want to look into other debt relief options. Because some solutions are more effective than others, it is important that you discuss your options with an experienced lawyer so you completely understand the result of your ultimate choice. Some hard choices are in front of you already but there are always alternatives to the long-lasting outcome of bankruptcy and bankruptcy debt.
At Lozano Law Offices, we are dedicated to help you find a debt relief solution that is suitable to your needs. However, we also want to make sure the choice you make will not do more damage than good. There are many debt relief companies who offer resolutions to your financial problems, such as debt consolidation, however, they are not guaranteed to protect you and can actually open you up to more financial trouble. Attorney Crispin Lozano will help you understand your options and find one that suits your needs.
We will discuss all your bankruptcy alternatives with you, including:
Most people who choose a bankruptcy alternative such as debt consolidation and debt settlement eventually fail and discover they are unable to afford the payment plan they have chosen. They end up filing bankruptcy down the road anyway. Before you make your choice, consider that bankruptcy provides protection under the law and provides freedom from creditor harassment.
To find out more about your options, call our offices at (510) 538-7188 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation.