Illness and injury often come suddenly. Medical bills can be financially devastating. In some cases, the co-pay costs become overwhelming. Expensive medical bills are one of the reasons of financial problems, including mortgage and credit card debts. Nearly two out of three bankruptcies stem from medical bills, and even people with health insurance face financial disaster if they experience a serious illness. Your overwhelming medical bills don’t have to ruin your life. Your health is important. Therefore, you must do whatever you can to take care of it. Filing bankruptcy may eliminate your medical debt, protect your house and help you make a full financial recovery.
Many good people are struggling with medical expenses. You are not alone! We can help you file either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, giving you a chance to get back on your feet again!
Filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will eliminate most of your medical bills. With Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will pay what you can afford over three to five years. At the end of the payment plan period, any remaining medical debt will be discharged.
Too often, our health takes a back seat to managing our families, careers, daily obligations, and most importantly our financial responsibilities. Our health must take center stage in our list of priorities.
Take the first step toward financial recovery. Call Lozano Law Offices at (510) 538-7188 now, or you may contact us online to schedule and appointment.